These days it seems as if everyone I talk to is always too busy! We laugh because we list the things we are busy doing and it is usually just the typical things that are necessary to live a normal life. But yet, it always seems like the lists are never all checked off and there just never seems to be enough time!
While playing phone tag with my best friend this morning, an idea came to me. (Why it has taken me this long to think of this, I’m not quite sure!) But I thought, it is time for Sarah and I to schedule a weekly “Kellie and Sarah Chat”! It is cray to think after all of these years, we actually need to insert into our calendars time to catch up, but it’s true! Our schedules have changed so much, we often leave each other messages “I’m on my way to this, so call me in the next 15 minutes” and it never fails, the call comes 18 minutes later and it’s too late, we have to try again. I think a scheduled time is the way to resolve this, not skipping out on our usual attempts to chat but at least this guarantees we aren’t going forever without updates!
What do you feel you need to add to your schedule that you always need to do but somehow “life” gets in the way?
Here are a few quick tips on scheduling which hopefully can help keep some simple order to life! If it could be so simple, right?