Family Magazine

Tubal Reversal Success Story

By Momatlast @momatlast

The staff of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center certainly has reason to smile. On a day-to-day basis they are asked just how well tubal reversal surgery works to restore fertility. Along with the statistics that are carefully collected and reported, a new reason just reported in.

A couple from Maine recently wrote to Dr. Gary Berger, Medical Director of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, to let him know that their sixth child following tubal reversal surgery has just been born. Many people researching this surgery will often wonder how many children the typical family has following the surgery.

Tubal reversal surgery, also known as tubal reanastomosis, is therepair of the fallopian tubes. This surgery is most often performed on women that have had a tubal ligation and regret the surgery. Most have entered into a new relationship where the partner has no children of his own. Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, well-known for their outpatient, low-cost tubal reversal procedure, has helped thousands of couples have fertility restored. Dr. Gary Berger and Dr. Charles Monteith perform just tubal reversal surgery and have dedicated their careers to helping couples by performing reversal surgery.

Many couples choose reversal surgery over the alternative treatment of IVF for a number of reasons. Tubal reversal is a much more natural way to conceive, costs less, has a better overall pregnancy success rate and is less taxing on the woman’s body over IVF. Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center keeps an extensive information database with detailed statistics about pregnancy rates for patients taking into account age, tubal ligation method, and many other factors. The release of the largest tubal reversal study to date, The 2009 Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Report, has proven that tubal reversal surgery has a higher pregnancy success rate over IVF. Unfortunately, this finding may not be told to all couples who are trying to choose between IVF and reversal surgery.

Couples who choose tubal reversal surgery for restored fertility also have the benefit of having more children without further medical intervention. Many couples go on to have two or more tubal reversal children. And, as in the couples mentioned above, can be blessed with even more.

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