I did a video and blog post the other day about how I was so broody.
- broodyadjective(WANTING CHILDREN)informal If someone, especially a woman, is broody, she feels as if she would like to have a babyBut lately, I feel like it is more than that...It's not just a tiny, squishy newborn I want. It's a sibling for Sienna... It's being a Mother of two kids... It's being a family of 4. The ups and downs, the juggles and struggles, the never having a minute to yourself.. that's what I want and it's so hard to wait!Friday 8th May
I'd barely be a week pregnant, if I even am. But I really feel like I am.. I feel like I can feel it. I think I ovulated around 30th March and a few days after that, I had serious cramping.. I'm wondering if maybe that was implantation? I'm trying not to think about it too much so that I'm not disappointed if my period comes in 8 days time, but it's so hard! Warren said it won't happen the first month of trying, but I'm not so sure.
Sunday 10th MayToday I'm 90% sure I am pregnant.. I have had nausea all day and been so exhausted I even napped when Sienna did for an hour and a half! I also have that disgusting taste in my mouth that makes water taste gross and makes me want to just keep eating to get rid of the taste. I've also been close to tears all day for no reason at all and had lots of lower back ache and that stretching feeling really low down in my stomach/pelvis... But I bet tomorrow I'll be back in the mindset that there's no way I am and I'm imagining all this. It's going to be a loooong week (period due around 16th May)
Thursday 14th May

Sunday 17th MayAF is here!Follow me: BlogLovin' // Twitter // Facebook // Google+ // Pinterest // Instagram