Let me just break this down for you... In my family, I have certain people who believe that discussing how you feel is a bad thing. While I can respect that they feel this way, I feel differently, therefore I speak about how I feel. Those especially uncomfortable with it, choose not to speak to me anymore - which hurts, but holding in my truth hurts worse.
Over the past three years or so, I have tried to speak my truth in a number of "close" friendships, every one of those relationships has ended - due to the other person not liking my truth, or not liking that I felt the need to share it.
I have spent many years looking at myself, and how I can be a better person, friend, daughter, partner, professional, etc. Part of that, is making sure that when I speak my truth it is as centered on me as possible. I don't always do that perfectly - but I have to say that I feel proud of how I have spoken my truth to family and friends, whether or not they believe it, I always consider how I say things - and how it may make them feel. Sometimes, the truth still must be spoken.
When I am wrong, I say I am wrong - that is also a part of truth telling. Saying "I'm sorry" is so hard for some, it's not for me. My intention is NEVER to hurt someone, I am always sorry if that is a result. I heard a quote recently that I loved... "In order to say you are sorry, you must value the relationship more than your own ego." That is so true! All of the people who inspired this post valued their egos more than our relationships. They are hell bent on being "right" and making me "wrong" rather than looking for peace. That still breaks my heart.

"I love you, and because I love you, I would rather have you hate me for telling the truth, than adore me for telling you lies."
~Pietro Aretino