Lifestyle Magazine

Trust Your Style: A Manifesto Of Sorts

By Unefemme @DejaPseu
Trust Your Style: A Manifesto Of Sorts

I sometimes get grief online for wearing black as often as I do, and perhaps on a purely objective level it's not my best color. But truthfully, it's the one I FEEL best in.

To me, black isn't mournful or depressing. It's deep and dramatic, strong and calming. Wearing something black makes me feel grounded and more defined. Powerful, too.

That said, I do sometimes enjoy wearing lighter neutrals or more color. It's fun and refreshing. But black always calls out to me, and always feels right.

I get that not everyone likes black, on themselves or others. Some may have negative associations with it that I don't, and that's OK. Some people need a lot of color and brightness and pattern. I get that. The wonderful thing about fashion and style right now is that there's room for all of it, for the myriad ways we choose to express ourselves.

Building Trust

With so much style advice and inspiration out there, it can be easy to lose your style voice amid all of the competing choruses. It's great to learn and try new things, to figure out what works best for your body and lifestyle. And to reassess and refresh periodically. But the bottom line is that your style should feel good to you. It's empowering when your style is an authentic expression of yourself. Trust that. Pay attention to the "click" when something just feels right. That's your style voice. The more you listen to it and work it, the stronger it will get. (And something interesting: the more I learn to trust my style, the more I learn to trust my voice and perceptions in other areas of my life.)

There will always be someone who doesn't like what you're doing or thinks something else would look better. That's OK too, and doesn't mean your preference is wrong. À chacun son goût.

What style advice do you sometimes ignore in favor of your own preferences?

Above: those Everlane slingback flats are just SO GOOD. Refined but not fussy, and very comfortable! Right in my Style Sweet Spot.

Trust Your Style: A Manifesto Of Sorts

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