Less Than 30 Days to True Blood Season 5!
The posters are out for the HBO True Blood stars for season five! There will be one for each actor and we at TrueBloodNet.com have decided to present one per post in order to give each its own top billing. We saved our very favorite vampire for the last poster we’re sharing before the ten day countdown to True Blood: Pam. Pam, played by the stunning Kristin Bauer van Straten, is the one that has humanized vampire sheriff Eric since season one. Although to everyone else, Eric has been less than human, through his relationship with cold, ironic, snide, perfectly-dressed Pam we’ve learned that Eric still held the kernel of humanity inside him. At the end of last season, when Eric got his memory back but was still in touch with his humanity, he turned on Pam and upset her enough that she ran off (I hope she didn’t ruin her pumps!) Unexpectedly, Pam has someone that humanizes her too, and that’s the ever-loyal Ginger. There are sure to be more fireworks at Fangtasia as Eric and Pam rework their relationship. Maybe it’s time for Pam to get a special friend? We can only hope!
Photo Credit: HBO