Our friend @ArleneFowler shares her recent experience with us:
This past week, I went to see Todd Lowe in ‘Day Drinkers’ at the Odyssey Theatre in LA, and was fortunate enough to catch him alone in the lobby after the show. He was quite personable and graciously chatted with me and my friends. In the course of the conversation, he told us he had a ‘gig’ that night. Well, we already knew that and told him we planned to follow him to Villains Tavern on Palmetto Street where The LA Hootenanny would be playing on the first of a two-night ‘Dark Halloween Party’.
So off we went to make our way through some pretty bad traffic to a rather seedy part of downtown Los Angeles. After getting lost a few times, and almost ready to give up, we stumbled upon a kind LA policeman who offered to escort us to the right street. The stage is open-air, and we could hear Todd singing as we approached from several blocks away.
I must say that I didn’t expect Todd Lowe and The LA Hootenanny to be as good as they were. They were wicked awesome! Todd plays guitar and did most of the vocals; he was dressed for the occasion in a black Halloween jacket with pumpkins on the lapel and guess what… no zombie make-up! The show was an absolute ‘hoot’. Apparently the band consists of a revolving group of musicians but frankly, all I cared about was seeing Todd Lowe from True Blood. (He’s almost as handsome as @TerryBellefle! *wink, wink*)
The whole evening was pretty awesome! Being there for a Halloween party with Todd Lowe and The LA Hootenanny was a blast and a really good time.

Many thanks to @ArleneFowler for the submission! Remember Truebies, if you have any True Blood related news, send it our way!
Source and photos: @ArleneFowler