But where did that scream originate from? The actor who plays Ginger, Tara Back, admits it all started back in Season 1 with the death of Long Shadow (Raoul Trujillo). But it was really the second scream that cemented her role as Ginger the screamer. This event occurred in Season 2 when she shot Lafayette Reynolds (Nelsan Ellis):
That was really the first scene that the scream made its way into the character’s profile. I screamed in the first scene of the season before, so season 1, but this was the first time Ginger had come back. I think it may have been written in the script that I screamed once, and I just thought it was funny. I thought it was funny she shoots him. She says she hates guns … she comes out … she’s so tough — trying to be so tough — and then personally I thought it was hilarious. But then she picks up the towel and brings him a towel and screams and looks at towel and screams because it’s so dirty. I just thought — the more she can scream the funnier it is when he’s the one who is shot and he’s laying on the ground — just … “Jesus Christ who is this woman?!”
So, there you have it, as far as Tara Buck is concerned, it was her second screaming incident that really made her character into the one we know and love so much today!
Let us know your fave Ginger screaming moment by commenting below!
And, if you can’t remember them all, why not check out this video of all Ginger’s screams to jog your memory (and burst your eardrums):
Sources: Huffington Post - “Slobbering on the Coffin” – Oddball Interview With True Blood’s Ginger, Tara Buck
YouTube - True Blood – Ginger Screaming (ALL SCENES / COMPILATION)
(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)