Dale Raoul, who is known as playing sassy and quick-witted Maxine Fortenberry (Hoyt’s mama) on HBO’s True Blood, has taken on another interesting role, this time as Andrea Grinnell on CBS’s new show Under the Dome. Under the Dome, based off of the Stephen King thriller, showcases Andrea as being similar to Maxine!
Dale says:
“[Andrea] is very different. She, like Maxine, is out there, and I love being able to play such characters.”
So will we see Maxine Fortenberry in True Blood’s Season 6? Dale reassures us that we have nothing to worry about:
“Yes, you do get to see her again this season, sort of closer to the end of the season…I had the joy of sitting next to that handsome Joe Manganiello [Alcide].”
Under the Dome airs on CBS, Monday nights.
For more in on what Dale is up to, be sure to check out the link below!
Credit: Highlight Hollywood - EXCLUSIVE Interview With Star Dale Raoul To Appear In Season Opener Of CBS’s New Brilliant Drama ‘Under The Dome’, A Stephen King Adaptation, Highlight Hollywood News
(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)