TV & Video Magazine

True Blood’s Kristina Anapau Takes on CEO Role

Posted on the 11 September 2014 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

As if acting wasn’t a busy enough career for Kristina, she has now taken on business ownership as well!

Her company is called Color It New and Kristina fills us in (sort of) on what the product is:

I was constantly facing a particular fashion dilemma and realized that if I was having this challenge, that millions of other people probably were too. I looked for a solution already on the market and couldn’t find one, so decided to develop a product myself. After almost four years of research and development later, Color It New is ready to be shared with the world!

Her new company is reported to change people’s fashion closets forever. While the product is yet to be fully disclosed, you can join the mailing list so you can find out all about this product as soon as it is ready. You can sign up by clicking here.

With this new business, does that mean we won’t get to see any more of Kristina gracing our screens? Or does she plan to juggle the two roles?

I’ve been able to juggle both so far, so we shall see! I plan to bring some really great people on board in short order after the launch, so that should allow me to give my acting career the time it needs as well as work on some additional business ideas I have.

Well, that’s a relief! Let us know what you think by commenting below,

Source: – True Blood Actress Lauches New Company Color It New

(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)

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