Baseball Magazine

Trivia Q&A;: January 17

Posted on the 18 January 2012 by Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
We had 21 teams in on a busy night that included fans in to watch Michigan's basketball team win, but the Boston Bruins lose in St. Pete.
Q-Tip Trivia was a tough round, with the scores generally on the lower side. But every other round the numbers were up, especially in General Knowledge. The team of Happy Birthday Rosanmi! led the entire night and wound up with a perfect score in IQ Trivia to end up with 57 points and the victory. Congratulations to my friends the "teachers" on another impressive win.
Second place went to Tebow Got Gronky Punched with 50 points, and third place went to I'm On a Boat! No Wait, I'm Dead with 47 points.
Best Team Name: All I'm Sayin' Is...The Skipper and Gilligan Didn't Let Anybody Die
Current Events
1. Which European country recently recognized "The Church of Kopimism" or file-sharing, as a religion?
2. Which troubled celebrity is currently being sued by the IRS for over $93,000 in back taxes?
3. Outgoing governor Haley Barbour controversially pardoned 200 lawbreakers in his state last week. What state was he governor of?
4. Hundreds of people egged an Apple store after it didn't open on time to sell the new iPhone 4S last week in what Asian capital city?
5. What northern New Jersey canceled their St. Patrick's Day Parade this year, as the parade's committee sited the city's inability to protect the participants as the reason?
6. What rap star was arrested by US Customs last week on the US-Mexico border for illegal possession of drug paraphernalia?
7. What Oscar-winning actor was struck by a car in Florida while bicycling last Friday but sustained just minor injuries?
Q-Tip Trivia
1. Which of the following classic sitcoms were set in New York City? a. All in the Family; b. The Cosby Show; c. The Mary Tyler Moore Show; d. The Bob Newhart Show.
2. Which of these artists had a Billboard number one pop single in 2011? a. Katy Perry; b. Justin Bieber; c. Britney Spears; d. Eminem.
3. Which of these actors have won at least two Oscars? a. Gene Hackman; b. Jessica Lange; c. Anthony Quinn; d. Jason Robards.
4. Which of the following cities has a team in all four major sports: MLB, NFL, NBA and NHL? a. Seattle; b. Los Angeles; c. St. Louis; d. Atlanta.
5. Which of these countries are located entirely below the Equator? a. Australia; b. Argentina; c. Cameroon; d. Indonesia.
6. Which of the following US presidents once served as a US Senator? a. Franklin D. Roosevelt; b. Abraham Lincoln; c. Ronald Reagan; d. John F. Kennedy.
7. Which of these Washington DC landmarks were built in the 19th century? a. Lincoln Memorial; b. Washington Monument; c. Smithsonian Institution; d. Jefferson Memorial.
US Cities Nicknames Trivia ("The Q Train")
1. The Queen City
2. Music City USA
3. The City With the Big Shoulders
4. Mistake By The Lake
5. The Steel City
6. The Golden City
7. The Hub
8. The Emerald City
9. Gateway to the West
10. Hitsville USA
General Knowledge
1. What is the capital of the province of Ontario? ( 1 pt)
2. "Moby Dick" was the best known novel from what author?( 1 pt)
3. Ron Paul, Congressman and Republican presidential candidate, represents what state in Congress? ( 1 pt)
4. What U.S. president signed into law making Martin Luther King's birthday a federal holiday? ( 2 pt)
5. What river is dammed by the Hoover Dam? ( 2 pt)
6. What Olympic sport uses the smallest ball? ( 2 pt)
7. In militaryspeak, what is an "aerodynamic personnel decelerator"? ( 3 pt)
IQ Trivia
1. What US state has the largest peach crop? ( 4 points)
2. What famous person was assassinated at the Pan-American Exposition by Leon Czolgosz? ( 4 points)
3. Mount Marcy is the highest point, at over 5300 feet, in what US state? ( 5 points)
4. What world leader was once discovered by the Secret Service drunk and in his underwear one night trying to hail a cab to the White House in 1995? ( 3 points)
5. In 1988, what Hollywood actor starred in both the Oscar-winning Best Picture and the Golden Raspberry Award's Worst Picture that year? ( 4 points)
Current Events
1. Sweden; 2. Lindsay Lohan; 3. Mississippi; 4. Beijing; 5. Hoboken; 6. Snoop Dogg; 7. Gene Hackman.
Q-Tip Trivia
1. a, b; 2. a, c; 3. all; 4. none; 5. a,b; 6. d; 7. b. c.
US Cities Nicknames Trivia ("The Q Train")
1. Cincinnati (I also accepted Buffalo and Charlotte); 2. Nashville; 3. Chicago; 4. Cleveland; 5. Pittsburgh; 6. San Francisco; 7. Boston; 8. Seattle; 9. St. Louis; 10. Detroit.
General Knowledge
1. Toronto; 2. Herman Melville; 3. Texas; 4. Ronald Reagan; 5. Colorado River; 6. table tennis; 7. parachute.
IQ Trivia
1. California; 2. William McKinley; 3. New York; 4. Boris Yeltsin; 5. Tom Cruise ("Rain Man" and "Cocktail").

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