Lifestyle Magazine

Trendy Toddler: Last Days of Summer

By Verybusymama @verybusymama
Today is the first day of school for many kids and I'm sure they are all dressed up and ready to roll! I remember those days, super nervous but excited to start a new year (that feeling quickly wore off a few weeks later) and wear my new shoes and outfits.
Little M doesn't go to school yet so there hasn't been any need or rush to buy him new clothing for the fall. I do have my eye on some cute tops and trendy jeans, but the Mr and I have been busy moving in to our new place and saving to get new furniture (we still need a sofa!)
Besides, it's still hot here, so he's happy running around in his shorts, sandals and t-shirt.
And how about his Cars umbrella and helmet? Hot stuff, right?!
Trendy Toddler: Last days of summer Little M's shorts, sandals and t-shirt from Target
How cute is he?!
Now I want to see what your little trendsetters are wearing this fall!
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Have a great week!

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