Trek Magazine
Ted Errey Nature Circuit, Brisbane Ranges National Park, Victoria.
Fiasco work station. A dubious Mission Control. 'Go retro or get rogered' - Anonymous. It's a saying you don't often hear any more, but it's going to apply for... Read more
The 20 February 2014 by Hikingfiasco
Reasons to Love Winter [Alternately: Ways to Delude Yourself]
January 2014 When I was very young and the urge to be someplace else was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch. When years... Read more
The 05 February 2014 by Withthegrains
Sojos ~ A Dog Food Review!
This is the face of a dog waiting for her Sojos dinner:Charlie and I have been experimenting with different foods lately to provide more variety to her diet. Read more
The 05 February 2014 by Hikingwithheather
Ruffwear Summit Trex Boots: First Impressions
I never thought in a million years that I'd put boots on my dog. Like Real.Boots. But with the unrelenting cold temperatures we've had this winter, I finally... Read more
The 07 February 2014 by Hikingwithheather
Go Camping Magazine, Gunna's Writing Masterclass. It's All Action. February 2013
Go Camping magazine. Issue 88. Raise your hands to the sky and praise the dude with the beard (not Jeff Bridges), as this is a rapid-fire, end of the working... Read more
The 14 February 2014 by Hikingfiasco
We Never Stop Learning
At Alpaca Expeditions, we understand that there is always room to grow and learn, even though we really strive to be the best. Of course our entire team... Read more
The 26 February 2014 by Alpacaexpeditions
Winter Scenes
While we haven't done any major hiking this past month, Charlie and I have managed to get outside to nearby trails and parks at least a couple of times a week. Read more
The 06 February 2014 by Hikingwithheather
Dog Mom Mug ~ An Indoor Project
With a huge blizzard/snowstorm in full swing, sometimes you have to give up finding outdoor activities (other than shoveling) and find something warm and fun... Read more
The 21 February 2014 by Hikingwithheather
Mt. Kilimanjaro.
February 9th, 2014 i left my home of Colorado, U.S, on an airplane headed to Tanzania, Africa (by way of Houston, Istanbul). I had every intention of climbing... Read more
The 28 February 2014 by Loveknobbyknees
Powder Skiing Till Dark | Knee Deep in Austria's Arlberg
Ryder-Walker’s sister company, Alpenglow Ski Safaris, just finished the first of their guided trips for this winter in the "cradle of skiing,” the Arlberg regio... Read more
The 10 February 2014 by Ryderwalker
Plover River Segment ~ All Seasons
The 18 February 2014 by Hikingwithheather : Outdoors,
Winter Climbs 2014: Weather Thwarts Summit Attempt On Nanga Parbat
The 10 February 2014 by Kungfujedi : Outdoors, Snow,
Happy Valentine's Day!—Rock, Snow and Romance
The 14 February 2014 by Ryderwalker : Outdoors,
Time To Celebrate
The 07 February 2014 by Alpacaexpeditions : Outdoors, Travel,
Health Tip: Visit the Austrian Tyrol and be happy
The 06 February 2014 by Ryderwalker : Outdoors,
Q&A: Guided vs Self-guided Hiker’s Haute Route
The 17 February 2014 by Ryderwalker : Outdoors,