Destinations Magazine

Travel Flashback: Caramoan Peninsula

By Juanatravels
Caramoan Peninsula, Camarines Sur, Philippines
A friend of mine, who I met exactly SEVEN years ago in this very same town – Caramoan Peninsula in Camarines Sur, Philippines is back in the islands for work.  This place is actually very special to me since this was one of the first trips I took without any grown-ups around. harhar!  Aside from that, I still consider this place to be one of the nicest beaches I’ve been to so far!  When I found out that they had a free day to explore and was back in Lahuy Island, I asked him to take a photo similar to what I took back in 2007.  I was ecstatic when he obliged and quickly sent the photo to me.  I can’t help but reminisce the awesome adventure and happy memories we made back then.  Will have to create a separate post for that.  For now,  this wonderful photo of one of the bestEST island in Caramoan Peninsula should suffice.  So happy to see that it still looks as wonderful and glorious as I left it seven years ago!  Can’t wait to go back!
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