Flappy Bird is gone and lost to the ages and outrage has spread to the far corners of the Internet were the developer is now getting more death threats more than ever before.
Flappy Bird is one of them games that was never anything special and was cloned from many different games from the past which have been around since before the 1990's and it was just a re-skinned game that blew up all over the Internet, The game was quite entertaining for a laugh but after it got so big it lead to the dark recesses of the Internet becoming more and more frustrated and violent which lead to the developer getting death threats... The developer took the app off the app stores due to the addictive nature of the game and the amount of attention he was getting online.
If you are in need of the flappy bird fix check out this game here on google play store:
(it is not as good as flappy bird but should fulfill the needs of someone in need of a fix.)
The Internet can be a toxic place with many people who want to attack and threaten people but many of these people don't realize that everything can be tracked and be seen by nearly everyone on the Internet. We have seen many issues arise on the Internet over the years and the whole toxic side of the Internet comes from the old idea that you can hide behind a picture or a fake name and say destructive and horrible stuff to anyone you wish and in recent years we are seeing a rise in the amount of death threats that are thrown at people on sites such as twitter, facebook and other social media.
There are many places around the world that take Internet abuse and death threats very seriously and even prosecuted people for threatening peoples lives of total strangers. There are many sites out there that say to ignore such behavior and to sweep it under the rug but the law is on the side of anyone who gets threatened with such severe threats and perpetrators can face serious consequences for there actions. You would not go up to someone in the middle of a crowded street and scream a death threat in their face as you would most likely be arrested so why do it on the Internet.
Always think before you post anything to the Internet as once the that button is pressed there is no going back...
This is an interesting topic and i would hope this starts a conversation in the comment section below so why not post your thoughts on the toxic state of the Internet and your thoughts...
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