“And this is where the magic happens.”
Letting clients peak behind the curtains is a move lots of businesses make to secure their custom. Magicians don’t like to give away their tricks, yet investors don’t part with their money easily. If you want to grab their attention and keep them on board, you’re going to need more than a beautiful assistant.
However, showing them around the workplace is a potential disaster too. In many ways, it may change their positive perception of the company into a negative one. The key is to ensure their visit reflects brilliantly on the firm, and here’s how to make it happen.
Drill Employees
Employees aren’t used to VIPs coming into the office, which is where their etiquette may be lacking. It can be as simple as not wearing the right clothes, executing a weak handshake, or forgetting to make eye contact. These are things clients hate to see because they are signs that the company isn’t focused. It’s essential you get the little things right on the day, which is why training is a wise move. Train them to greet people, how to stand up straight and maintain eye contact, and how to schmooze. Remember that these are skills they may not have come across before.
Speak To A Lawyer
Health and safety are huge in offices around the world, and no more so when a client comes to town. Employees getting injured is one thing, but a liability claim from one of the biggest donors is a death knell. If they can’t trust you to keep them safe in the office, they won’t have faith in your ability to deliver on an important contract. Personal injury attorneys are the best people to speak to as they can point you in the direction of the main hazards. Eliminate them and everything should go without an anvil dropping on their head.
Clear The Clutter
It’s important to note that everything about the office reflects onto the brand, and clutter is no exception. Some entrepreneurs see messiness as an occupational hazard. When you’re creative and working hard, things are going to get disorganized. Guests see it another way entirely. They see dirt as a sign that you are unorganized and not productive. Also, it’s a warning symbol which says you don’t care about the fine print. From this, they glean that the service you provide will be similar. So, tidying up beforehand can prevent their perception of the company souring.
Never Leave Them Alone
There’s no need to hover over their shoulder because it’s annoying and suffocating. Still, you don’t want them to walk off the beaten path and see something which isn’t ready. After all, they won’t be able to erase it from their memory banks. Also, a guest may end up talking to a person who isn’t confident or trained in dealing with VIPs. By all means, give them a certain amount of freedom, but make sure you know where they are, and who they’re speaking to at all times.
What tricks do you have up your sleeve regarding visiting clients?