Charity Magazine

Torontonians: We Day Celebration

Posted on the 21 September 2013 by Utterlysam

Me to We has become a rather large movement that I think everyone can get behind. The whole idea is increasing the global consciousness of things that you could do on a day to day basis that would better the world. Everything from smiling at strangers, to paying for the toll of the person behind you in the line up. It’s the small things that count, and could easily make someone’s day a thousand times brighter.

We Day is a big huge group get together, where everyone practicing this concept gets together. It looks insane and amazing, and I plan on going to the one in my area. Will let you know more as the time gets closer.

Click here for a list of events, and event locations. And do something nice for a random stranger tomorrow. We live on this great big planet, but we all are one.

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