Topshop lipstick in Petal. I had been hearing quite abit about this lipstick off a few youtubers. With it being a nude pink tone not to matte not to shiny and me with my fair skin thought it would be a match made. How i was right, thank you Topshop.
I must admit a few years back now i would had never of tried a Topshop lipsticks with MAC being my brand of choice but with the prices of MAC lipsticks going up and up who can afford to keep buying £15 lipsticks every time they want a new one and practically being the same as a Topshop lipstick - pigment, shades and textures and also for only £8.
I find the Topshop lipsticks to apply very smoothly onto the lips and very true to shade can be sheered out or worn full force (with a brighter/deeper shade) .
Thumbs up from me.
How do you feel about the Topshop lipsticks?Any shades i should look out for?