Travelling through Europe by train is one of the best things that you will ever do! It’s cost effective, comfortable and quick, that is why so many travellers choose to buy a ticket that will take them to every corner of the continent. With so many great sites giving you an insight into eurail it has never been easier to book tickets and find out all of the information you need. I have been fortunate enough to see Europe using the amazing rail network on offer, here are my tips for those that want to do the same.

Finding the information you need
When you are traveling it can sometimes be difficult to find the information that you are looking for. When you are at a station look out for the information desk, the person at the desk may not be able to provide you will all of the answers you need if they are very busy. If you need to find out what time trains are leaving then look out for the yellow posters around the station. Always have faith in strangers, I was helped out by so many people along the way. People are nice wherever you are in the world, so if you are stuck just smile and ask someone nicely.
Buying your ticket
Some people like to buy their ticket as they go, if that is what you’re doing then you will need to head to the station early to do your planning. I prefer to organize everything in advance through TGV, it means that things are easier in the long run. It also means that you don’t have to worry about budgeting for travel when you are on the road because you have it sorted already.
Onboard the train
You will find yourself traveling long distances on trains, do not worry about eating because you will find that the long distance trains will have restaurants and cafes on them. It is a good idea to stock up from a local supermarket before you travel if you are on a tight budget. Pick up some simple food that will keep you going until you reach your final destination.