Ensure you have a balance of these 5 must-have nutrients While we all know that it's important to eat a variety of foods from all the food groups, this becomes even more important during pregnancy, to ensure that your baby gets the greatest combination of nutrients possible. Here are the 5 most important nutrients, and how to incorporate them into your diet:
- Protein: It's recommended that you eat an extra 10 grams of protein per day when you're pregnant. As protein is not something you can take in a tablet, this should come from food. You'll find protein in all meats and fish, dairy products, beans, lentils and nuts. So don’t shy away from hiring one of those Hog Roast machines and treating yourself to a tasty roast alongside plenty of healthy sides.
- Folic Acid: This is essential to protect your baby from neural-tube defects. Either take a supplement, or eat more spinach, lentils, and broccoli.
- Calcium: Found in dairy products, broccoli and almonds, this is essential for healthy bones and teeth.
- Fiber: Eating plenty of fiber containing foods will keep you feeling more comfortable during your pregnancy by keeping both constipation and hemorrhoids at bay.
- Fat: Don't avoid fat while you're pregnant. It's vital for the development of your baby's brain and central nervous system.
- Raw or undercooked meats and seafood. Say goodbye to sushi for 9 months
- Deli and cured meats
- Soft cheese and paté
- Processed meats containing nitrates; no more hot dogs
- Unpasteurized milk
- Alcohol
- Caffeine. Keep to less than 3 small cups of coffee per day
- Artificial sweeteners
- Herbal teas
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