Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the link to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.
This week the topic is…Top Ten recent 5 * reads
I very rarely rate books with the full 5 stars (or unicorns in my case), because 5/5 equals perfection right?! Therefore I’m going to do my ten most recent top rated reads, which are mainly 4*s with a few of those magical 5*s in there too.
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Links go to my reviews
- My Kind of Crazy (review coming up)
- The Merciless
- The Madwoman Upstairs
- Into the Dim
- Sanctuary Bay
- The Kiss of Death
- Vengeance Road
- The Light that Gets Lost
- Behind Closed Doors
- Poe: Stories & Poems