Books Magazine

Top Ten Tuesday: I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Started These YA Series Yet…

By Lipsy @lipsyy

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the link to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.

The topic for this week is: Top Ten Books I can’t believe I haven’t read from X Genre…

I’m almost as bad at starting series than I am at finishing them. But the following books are ones that I do fully intend on starting…at some point…


1. The Giver Quartet ~ Lois Lowry: I’ll be honest, I hadn’t even heard of this series before the movie came out and I can’t believe how long ago it was released. I’m very intrigued for that reason alone, so I’ve avoided the film thus far.

2. The Grisha ~ Leigh Bardugo: I’ve heard so many good things about this series and people have told me I’d love it.

3. Splintered ~ A.G Howard: I’ve enjoyed some re-imaginings of Wonderland before, and this one sounds great. Plus, the covers are awesome.

4. Percy Jackson ~ Rick Riordan: I love Greek mythology so I’m pretty sure I’ll love these books.

5. Matched ~ Ally Condie: I got the first book in this series from the YALC book swap last year, but I just haven’t got round to it yet.


6. Young Elites ~ Marie Lu: I haven’t read any Marie Lu yet and this series sounds full of action.

7. The Magisterium ~ Cassandra Clare and Holly Black: I’m intrigued by this collaboration!

8. Snow Like Ashes ~ Sarah Raasch: The cover! That is enough of a reason to want this series.

9. The Children of Camelot ~ Donna Hosie: I love, love, love Arthurian lit, so a YA series based on that = slobber.

10. Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins: I’ve wanted this since it was released. Everything about it just screams awesome.

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