Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the image to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.
This week the topic is: Top Ten Book Characters That Would Be Sitting At My Lunch Table (you know…back to school theme).
OK, so these characters wouldn’t necessarily be sitting at my lunch table (especially not all at the same time – they’d probably kill each other), but here is my Top Ten of characters that I would have liked to be friends with at school.
Buffy Summers – BTVS: Well they didn’t specify book characters did they! I would totally want to be friends with Buffy in high school. I mean, I know I’d be in danger every day if I was one of the scooby gang, but she’d totally save my life. That’s what she does.
Stephanie/ Valkyrie Cain – Skulduggery Pleasant: It would likely be Stephanie’s mirror self who I would be friends with in school, because Valkyrie is always off fighting the bad guys with Skulduggery. But that would be OK with me. She’s awesome in all of her forms.
Patrick – Perks of Being a Wallflower: We would just be the bestest of BFF’s OK.
Tiny Cooper – Will Grayson, Will Grayson: I would totally help Tiny Cooper put on his Rocky Horror musical and become the very best of friends. I’m sure of it. I mean, I can’t sing, or act, so I’d probably be in charge of props or help with the script or something. He would relentlessly try to get me on stage. Oh the lolz we’d have.
Laureth Peak – She is Not Invisible: Granted, this one is unlikely as Laureth goes to a school for the blind and partially sighted, but maybe we’d meet during one of her adventures. Lauren (that’s me btw) & Laureth could take over the world.
Rose Hathaway – Vampire Academy: Rose is probably too hot to be my friend, and she’s always chasing after Lissa and Dimitri. But maybe I could win her over. I would totally let her feed on me if she ever felt like it.
Allison Reynolds – The Breakfast Club: Obviously, Allison and I would sit in the back of all of our classes listening to our Walkmans and hating the world in our all black outfits and unnecessarily heavy eyeliner. It would be a good time.
Alec – The Mortal Instruments: Me and Alec would totally swoon over Jace together, but I’d definitely support him in his relationship with Magnus Bane. I think he’d be a great friend. He’s pretty badass but sensitive and cute to boot.
Leo – Stargirl: I’d like to be Leo’s Stargirl. That is all.
Nick & Norah – Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist: I feel like both Nick and Norah are my soul mates. We could be a threesome, yeah? Kinky.
I’m looking forward to seeing who made everyone else’s list this week. Leave a comment and I’ll come take a look :)