Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the link to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.
In honor of the 5 year anniversary of Top Ten Tuesday, this week we are celebrating by sharing our favorite TTT topics over the years.
10. Castles: This was my first ever TTT published on 13th August 2013. The original topic was Top Ten Book with a X Setting and I chose my favorite books featuring castles…because hello! Castles are the best!
9. Books That Should Be Taught in Schools: I loved this topic as I think it’s really important what schools have on their reading lists! I wish the books I had to read for school were much more interesting than they were, I loved reading but I never wanted to read any of the books on the required reading list. I feel like schools have had the same lists for years and they need to move on!
8. Books I Read Before I Started Blogging: I chose this topic as a freebie, when we were given free rein to pick a topic of our own choosing. I read so many good books before I started blogging that I wished I’d reviewed, so this was a good opportunity to briefly talk about some of them.
7. Books You Should Read if You Like…: Any excuse to talk about Buffy The Vampire Slayer and other favorite TV shows is a winner in my book!
6. Underrated British Authors: I really enjoy spreading the love for British Authors!
5. Ten Adult Books for YA Readers: I liked this topic because I’m obviously a huge lover of YA but I think it’s really important to read a wide range of books, especially those written more for adults.
4. Desert Island Companions: It was really fun thinking about which book characters I’d like to be stranded on a desert island with!
3. Bookish Confessions: This topic was so cathartic. I just hope my friends didn’t read it. LOL.
2. Books to Make You SWOON: This topic was so much fun to do, and I loved seeing every else’s answers too. Who doesn’t enjoy talking about their book Boyfriends!?
1. Things That Make Life Easier as a Reader/Blogger: This was only the second TTT I took part in and it actually helped me with my blogging a lot. Before reading other people’s posts, I hadn’t been using a picture editing site, and a lot of people had put Picmonkey on their lists. I now use it all the time!