Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the link to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.
The topic this week is scary titles, but I’m going one step further and choosing my favorite weird horror titles! You know, the ones where you have to a double take…
I find all of these titles ridiculous. I’ve always thought that out of context, The Silence of the Lambs is just weird, but perhaps not as strange as ‘Nibbled to Death by Ducks’. My favorite here has to be Phantom of the Soap Opera though. What the hell?
I will leave you with a bonus title, and it’s a book I actually own – don’t ask! I won’t include the cover because it should probably come with a *graphic image* warning but you can check it out by clicking the title if you are intrigued…
I will be be astonished if anyone has read any of these (other than SOTL), but tell me if you have!
Up Next on Horror October:
Don’t miss the third entry in my Flash Fiction Battle!