Books Magazine

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Confessions

By Lipsy @lipsyy

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the image to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.

This week the theme is: Top Ten Bookish Confessions


1. Covers: I judge books wayyy too harshly by their covers, even though it means I sometimes miss out on awesome books, the Rainbow Rowell books for example.

2. I’m not a member of my local library because it’s really quite rubbish, which makes me sad.

3. Spine-breaker: I’m a NOT fan of dog-earring pages, but I really love a good creased spine. I like my books to look well- loved.

4. Weird book reading system: When I start reading a book, I have to read the intro (if there is one) and the dedication/about author first. Then I read the first chapter. Then I flick to end and read the acknowledgements and make a note of the page count before carrying on with the book. Is that weird? It took me ages to realize that I do that.

5. Sunday Madness: I try to get up mega early on Sundays just to get in some extra reading time. Even if I know I’ll start the working week being tired, I tend to get up earlier on a Sunday than a weekday. I also try not to make any plans on that day. It’s the day of rest, after all. Sorry, friends.

6. Lies: The last point is followed closely by…when I say I’m busy, I sometimes mean I need to read my book. Alone. When I say sometimes, I mean a lot of the time.

7. Book Crushes: Because I read a lot of YA, I end up crushing on characters that are way too young for me. But they’re fictional…so it’s OK, right? I’m still 17 inside OK! (IF THAT)

8. Time Wasters: When I see people on public transport/waiting rooms/in queues looking really bored and frustrated, I always wonder why they don’t carry a book with them. So much wasted time!!

9. Hype: When there’s too much hype surrounding a book it really puts me off. That’s probably why I never read Harry Potter, and why it took me about a year to read The Hunger Games after it came out.

10. Buying Books: I buy most of my books from either Amazon, charity shops or carboot sales. I’d like to support local bookstores more, but finances don’t often allow it. :(

What are your bookish confessions?

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