Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the link to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.
This week the topic is… Top Ten new-to-me authors in 2016!
I discovered so many great authors again this year, and finally got round to reading some of those that had been on my TBR for way too long.
Here are my top ten authors that I discovered or first read this year, (and the books of theirs I read). Links go to my reviews.
10. Holly Martin (Christmas Under a Cranberry Sky)
9. Liz Kessler (Haunt Me)
8. Leigh Bardugo (Shadow & Bone)
7. Natalie Haynes (The Amber Fury)
6. Nina LaCour (You Know Me Well – with David Levithan)
5. Janet B. Taylor (Into the Dim)
4. Danielle Vega (The Merciless)
3. Catherine Lowell (The Madwoman Upstairs)
2. Madeline Miller (The Song of Achilles)
1. Jason Arnopp (The Last Days of Jack Sparks)
Did you try any of these this year?