Books Magazine

Top Ten Things on My Bookish Bucket List

By Joyweesemoll @joyweesemoll

Top Ten TuesdayThis is my first Top Ten Tuesday post! I’ve been astounded at all the people who seem to come up with top ten lists on the fly–I could never do that! Recently, I realized that the good folks at The Broke and The Bookish publish the topics ahead of time. Aha! With a bit of advanced thought, I probably can come up with lists for some of these topics.

The top thing on my Bookish Bucket List is:

1. Visit England

So, the next nine are dependent on my making the first one happen (it looks like it’s coming together for September):

2. Buy a book in an English bookstore

3. Visit Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey

4. Have an “I read this in Charles Dickens” moment

5. Have an “I read this in Jane Austen” moment

6. Have several “What romance or mystery novel did I read this in?” moments

7. Read a book on a train in England

8. Visit Stonehenge and remember the stories told by Edward Rutherfurd (Sarum)

9. Watch the English like Kate Fox (Watching the English)

10. Fall in love with England like Susan Allen Toth (My Love Affair with England)

What other bookish things should I do while I’m in England?

Signature of Joy Weese Moll

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