Baseball Magazine

Top Ten Things Boston Sports Fans Should Be Thankful for

By Bleblancbu

Despite the state of the Red Sox and no Bruins hockey to look forward to, Boston fans still have much to be thankful for. So in the spirit of the holiday season and in no particular order, here are the top ten things to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy!

1. A Patriots run game – With Gronk likely out the rest of the regular season, the Pats will have to rely more on their 5th ranked rushing attack headed by Stevan Ridley.

2. John Farrell – The absolute correct choice to be the new manager of the Red Sox.

3.Rajon Rondo’s passing ability – He leads the league with 12.3 assists per game and currently has a 33-game streak of double-digit assists.

4. Tom Brady – No explanation needed.

5. Patriots @ Jets – It’s always better when your team plays on Thanksgiving day.

6. Big Papi’s two-year deal – The face of the franchise will be back in Boston for two more seasons. No matter what people say, he is and will continue to be a much-needed leader in the clubhouse.

7. Jared Sullinger - He turned in the best two games of his rookie season against Toronto and Detroit and put up his first double-double. What better a situation for the young rookie to be in, learning from Kevin Garnett, one of the best power forwards ever.

8. The Boston Bruins – They will play at some point in time, and the core of the Cup-winning team will still be in place when they do.

9. A first place Pats team – As ugly as some of their wins have been this season, the Pats still sit comfortably atop the AFC East.

10. The last decade – If you don’t know what I’m talking about or need to think about it, and you consider yourself a Boston sports fan, you probably aren’t one.

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