Since signing up to Netflix, I've been steadily ploughing through all of the shows that have come highly recommended to me. It's been a good couple of years since I watched Scrubs, as E4 and Comedy Central have both stopped showing them on a daily basis. So, since Netflix made the first 6 seasons available to stream, I've been re-watching every episode, and today I've narrowed down my favourite moments from the series.
2. Turk pranks the JanitorFrom the episode where JD and Turk are stealing pudding and toilet paper from the hospital. This is perhaps one of my favourite Scrubs quotes of all time.
3. Ted, your pen exploded!This is one of my favourite Janitor pranks.
4. Intern Space InvadersPossibly the best Ted moment of the series; Dr. Cox discusses how he finds some of the hospital employees funny, and Ted demonstrates how much of a 'sad sack' he truly is.
5. Double Prizer!Granted this scene isn't in seasons 1-6, but it's too good not to include.
6. Safety DanceDefinitely my favourite JD and Turk moment. Elliot asks if Turk asking JD to be his Best Man is the best moment the two of them have ever had, and JD tells this story.
7. Mr Steel, first name "Man Of"S-S-S-S, A-A-A-A, F-F-F-F, T-T-T-T!
8. Knife WrenchThe first time Dr. Coz lets JD take the lead on a case, and it lasts a whole of 6 seconds.
9. Who's machines?The best Janitor invention, closely followed by the drill-fork.
10. Turk's air band auditionHow is that helping?!
11. Ted's impression of ElliotAdmittedly, this one isn't as hilarious as some of the others, but I just love it nonetheless!
12. Benign. Nine and a half.Second best Ted moment, after the aforementioned one!
13. Why is there a pancake in the silverware drawer?Another of my favourite Scrubs quotes. This follows the scene in which JD gives the Janitor a 'downstairs' exam, after spotting a potential growth.
14. Shower Shortz: for the man who has nothing to hide, but still wants to.My favourite Turk moment. WHAZZAP!
15. BabytalkIf only these were a real product. Who can resist a pair of shower shorts with a complimentary shower wallet?

Another scene that isn't in seasons 1-6, but is too good not to include.
Tuesday 17 June 2014, 3:20pm