Tech Magazine

Top 5 Iphone Essential News Apps

Posted on the 21 October 2013 by Naveedkhan

If you’re hungry for the latest news then the iPhone is the perfect gadget to sate your appetite. We all have different interests when it comes to news, so there are specialist apps for every genre of news that you can customise to suit you. We have included apps that allow you to scroll through multiple news feeds at once, as well as the mighty Flipboard, where you can create a news experience that is completely tailored to you, and even tie it in with social network updates so it’s the only place you need to visit in the morning. There are also some bookmarking apps so should you find a host of stories that you want to read but don’t have the time right now, you can save for later to read at your own leisure. With the apps in this section you might just find that you’re never out of the loop again, and it won’t feel like you’ve had to work hard to stay in touch with all that’s happening.

01 Pulse

Pulse iphone app

Price: Free Developer: Alphonso Labs Inc

There is no doubt that Pulse has one of the best and most responsive interfaces on the iPhone, with multi-touch gestures really prominent here. The interface is comprised of a host of horizontal news feeds from various news channels, blogs and other sources – all of which you can tweak and customise. All of the feeds are swipeable, and it is possible to move through more than one at a time.

02 Flipboard: Your Social News Magazine

Flipboard - Your Social News Magazine iphone app

Price: Free Developer: Flipboard, Inc
Flipboard has been created to be the only place you need to go when you want to catch up with what is going on around the world, and indeed in your world. Flipboard is a curated news app that also shares content from your social networks. The personalised magazine is built from the content you choose to include, wrapped in a very smooth and sleek interface, with stories interspersed with updates from Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

03 Pocket


Price: Free Developer: Idea Shower
Following the short setup process that fully integrates the app, you can use Pocket to create a reading list of articles, blogs and other content that you can go back to later when you have more time. Pocket can be synced into your bookmarks bar in Safari, as well as within related apps so that should you find a story you want to spend more time with when you’re less busy, you can save it in just a couple of taps.

04 Summly

Summly iphone app

Price: Free Developer: Summly Limited
The app that has received plenty of press because of its developer actually has a very impressive interface, showing it can stand alone as an app. Each story is summarised within the application, but should you simply want to view more you can see the full piece in just another tap on your screen.

05 Instapaper

instapaper iphone app

Price: £2.49/$3.99 Developer: Instapaper
Another very good example of a ‘saving for later’ app, where you can quickly save entire webpages to the app in order to go back to later. You are, in effect, creating your own personalised digital newspaper, and the smart, clinical UI almost suggests as much. You can alter the font and size of the text, and even switch to the black screen if you’re more of a night-time reader.

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