Need some help deciding where to travel to this year? We have put together a list of the top 10 places to visit in 2015 to help you out! So whether you want to go camping in a magical jungle or spend time in a thriving city, there is somewhere for everyone and we hope that you will experience some of these beautiful places if you haven't already!
Photo Credits: 1. Jaume Escofet, 2., 4. Staffan Scherz, 6. Sam Beebe, 8. Thomas Frost Jensen, 9. lab604 | All images have been altered

As a maturing women, Marina has dedicated her life to travel and new experiences. After working a 9-5 cubical lifestyle, Marina sold everything she owned, left her job and begun a new life with her best friend and travel companion, Jeff Johns. Together they relocated to Phuket, Thailand and founded Latitude 34 in which they seek to share their alternative lifestyle with the world.
Marina is a Visual Journalism graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography where she studied photography, videography and ultimately caught the travel bug. Through creating several international documentaries, Marina realized there was more to the world than work and wanted something more.