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Toddler Slips Through Gate Onto White House Lawn, And We Speculate What He Is Thinking!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

NY Daily News reports that a toddler squeezed through slats of the White House gates, successfully to the White House lawn, causing the White House to go on lock down. Secret Service agents joked that since the toddler could not speak he was put on lockdown. 

3 Questions We Wonder If The Toddler Is Thinking

1. “Do these Huggies Little Movers diapers make me look fat?

Answer: No, your unusual thinness allowed you to slip onto the White House lawn, obviously making you much thinner than just about every other American toddler, and even French tourist toddlers.

2. “Now that I know how to break into the White House, can I live there?”

Sorry, the fact that you are wearing a diaper called “Little Mover” does not mean you can move into the White House.

3. “I hate these boring buildings and monuments in D.C. Why does nobody ever take me to the zoo?”

Answer: Because you will sneak through the cages into the dens of various bored-but-dangerous animals.


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