Hair & Beauty Magazine

Todays The Day-:A White Girls Weave- The Removal

By Aspirationsofglam @Aspirationsofgl
I have had European extensions for three years now.To say I have over-relied on them is an understatement.
My natural hair is thick and wavy.As a teen I had short layers put into my hair.This was a HUGE mistake and even when straightened they looked terrible.
Having had my extensions for three years and avoiding the hairdressers like the plague after a hairdresser cut my extensions to the same length as my own bloody hair my hair has had a massive rest and is just over my shoulders with only two very long layers.
Ive decided to have them out.There are several reasons why, but one major factor is the price.To put it short I paid £180 for a new set of wefts and pay £40 to have my weave re-sewn every other month.A year its eye-watering.
Todays The Day-:A White Girls Weave- The Removal
I'm also having an identity struggle.Is my weave me?I guess Ive been the girl with the long hair for a long time now and part of me doesn't like that.I feel like Ive had a really good run with my weave.I also want to undertake a color change. &Theres some hairstyles I cant do because of the weight and thickness of my wefts.
Theres positives and theres negatives to having a weave:
  • A weave adds thickness and length (durr)
  • If color matched correctly they can look very natural
  • You can swim with a weave- no bond melting going on with these bad boys
  • They are chemically treated to sit into the shape you place them in.
  • They make a fab bit bun.
  • You can get away with a quick brush of them of a morning.
  • They give you confidence- a comfort blanket even 
  • They are fastened to your head- no hanging them up in the shower business.

  • They cost a lot of money
  • They are lots of high maintenance
  • They are addictive
  • Drying time till take you a good 20-30minutes so theres a lot of pre preparation involved.
  • Their heavy.
  • They are uncomfortable when they are re-sewn
  • Your confined to the color of your extensions (some exceptions here)

I don't know how long this weave-less-ness will last.I'm really hoping to rekindle a love for my natural hair but any woman would say such love is a very difficult thing to establish.
If your thinking of getting a weave and can afford it I highly recommend it.Trust me though it'll get you hooked! 
Have you ever considered a weave?
Todays The Day-:A White Girls Weave- The Removal

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