
To Have Success and to Be Successful

Posted on the 21 June 2014 by Luciano Pacini
To have success and to be successfulVery often I hear people exclaim: "If I had the money that person has, then I could do those things and so I would be happy."Starting from this simple shout, I can explain you better what I mean and my concept about that.This is a classic example where I think people confuse to have success with to be successful. Those who think it is important to have success are the ones that usually focus on something and they think if they have that thing then they will act in a certain way and as a result they will be someone of important.I am sure is not like that. People who truly have success is because they are successful and then they act accordingly and getting what they want.Instead of being focused on getting something or complaining because you lack something, is better if you start to focus on the person you want to be; as you should see yourself. 
I do not think that success can come in many different ways, there is only one, I mean that success can come also in different ways, but will come only if the person understands one principle, which is the same for everyone and is fundamental. Always remember that people can’t get unbalanced results from what they really are. This can happen for some time, but when there is a success that is long maintained over the time, It means that person has something of important inside.On the other side I guess that we must not think about success just like something such famous people have, for example from tv shows, sports and so on, because these people sometimes have success but they are not successful. Often they have everything that other people would like to have, but at the end they are not able to enjoy it completely and so they  have a lot of  stress. This is happens because you live a certain reality and you have to maintain a certain facade but inside you feel you don’t deserve what you have and then you live with the fear of losing everything easily, so this is terrible.Instead is better if you work on yourself, work on what you want to become, what you want to be. How is the person you want to be? Do not look at the results he or she gets, but how they are, their thoughts, values, qualities, behavior.Begin to act as if you were already that person, almost like if you had already achieved that result, try to begin to feel yourself in that way, involving yourself with that energy, then the results obtained will be the normal result, and when you will finally get that result, It will be the right result for who you are.I know that now you may think: “Luciano, you are right, but if I win a lot of money at the lottery I wouldn’t mind!”.I can answer you that societies teach us that is not so easy, because not everybody, but often those who win the lottery or inherit large sums of money from parents, they squanders everything. Have you ever wondered why it happens? Of course is because is better sweating to get what you want, so you will be able to appreciate more what you will achieve. But the main reason is because, as a person, you are not worth as much as what you have.So don’t believe in easy success, because usually doesn’t last long. That is why who build a road slowly and with sacrifice is by far an happier person.What I want to tell you is to put things in the right priority, concentrate on being able to do so and eventually you will get what you want, at that point you will feel you deserve what you have reached; and if you loose something today, you know that you will be able to create It in your near future. This can be your true fortune. 
In Photo: "The Master" wants only genuine fruits.

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