Eco-Living Magazine

Tired of Store Bought Facial Cleanser? Try This Easy, DIY Version Instead!

By Livinggreenor

I used Aveda facial products for as long as I can remember.  In fact, the only other facial products I remember using was back in high school which is more years ago than I’d like to admit.  My Grandma had a huge bottle of Noxzema and I’d put the stuff on my face, let it burn a few seconds thinking that was a good thing because it meant it was doing its job, and then washed it off.  When I started learning about the toxic ingredients in beauty products I decided it was time to switch to something a little gentler on my skin.  While Aveda may carry some good products, they’re not always as good for you as you might think (check the labels).

After the last of my most recent product ran out, I told myself I was going to start experimenting with making my own facial products, specifically facial cleanser.  I was tired of store bought facial cleansers not always meeting my expectations, costing a pretty penny, and no longer wanted to have the extra packaging to dispose of.

My first attempt at a facial cleanser is this all-purpose honey cleanser.  I’ve been using it for just over a week now and so far, I’m really enjoying it.  I still have plans on experimenting with others, but this was one that I had been wanting to try for a while.  So, I whipped it up one afternoon!

This cleanser is great to wash your face and body and even shampoo your hair.  It does have a mild bleaching effect on your hair if used over a period of time, so keep this in mind if your hair is dark or color-treated.  It’s also on the liquid side, so if you want something a little thicker you can always add a little bit more honey and liquid castile soap.  Recipes such as this don’t always need to follow the ingredients 100%.

What You’ll Need:

  • 2 tablespoons liquid soap (castile soap works well)
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup rose water (distilled water may also be used but I enjoy the scent and properties of rose water)
Tired of Store Bought Facial Cleanser? Try This Easy, DIY Version Instead!

From left to right: honey, rose water, {mixture}, liquid castile soap


  1. Stir together all ingredients, being careful not to beat as this will cause the soap to foam.
  2. Pour into a clean container; one with a pour spout or a pump is nice.

To use: Pour a small amount in your palm and massage gently into your skin or hair.  Rinse thoroughly with tepid water and pat dry.

Yield:  4 ounces
Difficulty:  Easy

Tired of Store Bought Facial Cleanser? Try This Easy, DIY Version Instead!

My finished product in a repurposed mustard container; I left the label on for novelty sake.

Honey is one of the best known humectants (a material that retains moisture).  Rose water is a great astringent and natural cleanser.  It has excellent soothing effects, can improve the condition of dry and aging skin, as well as purify and tone skin, and can reduce swelling and redness.

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By  Tatiannalovingfit
posted on 27 April at 10:29
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This is so cool I am going to try it. I have been picking through fascial products for years, and it's all toxic. I'm going to try your cleanser. Thank you for sharing :)