Summer season calls for a lot of water activities and vacation on a beach side location. It is the only season wherein people like to stay a lot in water to keep them cool. But what stops a person from doing this is that the exposure of skin in the sun leads to sun burns and tanning. The major problem that the people experience is sun burn and tanning of skin. The sun emits strong UV rays that are extremely dangerous for our skin. These rays penetrate the skin deeply and damage the tissues in the body. It makes the skin red, swollen and painful. It is essential for a person to adopt ways in which one can enjoy the summer season without hiding oneself from sun. People consider sun screens to be an ideal solution for preventing oneself from sun burns. However, there are various natural ways that can help in avoiding sun burns.
Natural Remedies for avoiding Sun Burns:
Get yourself enriched with Vitamin D-Vitamin D is considered to be an ideal way for keeping oneself away from sun burn. It increases the resistance of the body for roaming in sun. Apart from this, it is advisable to consume items that are rich in Vitamin D. Milk, eggs, leafy vegetables, etc. consume vitamin E. A Vitamin E diet strengthens the immunity system as well and prevents the skin from catching sun burn.
Consume Lycopene-Lycopene is a Carotenoid which is found in tomatoes. Research has found out that people who have consumed or consume tomatoes are less like to be prone to sun burn. Tomatoes can be consumed in raw or cooked format. However, a cooked tomato has a better effect than the raw one.
Eat some Astaxanthin-Astaxanthin is an element which is found in algae. There are various organisms that consume algae like shrimp, salmon, pink flamingo, etc. People who consume salmon, fish or shrimps also consume Astaxanthin which helps in avoiding sun burn. Astaxanthin is an anti – oxidant which also acts like a sun screen for the skin. This makes the skin capable enough of facing the sun.
Drink Organic Tea-Organic teas like green tea, herbal tea, basil tea are great sources of anti oxidants. It flushes out the impurities from the skin cells and makes it clean and glowing. Green tea helps in facing inflammation and prevents the skin from sun burn.
Go for Proanthocyanidins- Proanthocyanidins are majorly found in wine, grapes, blueberries, nuts,pistachios, chokeberries, etc. These elements act as a protection from UV damage. UV radiation leads to skin cancer. Hence, consumption of such items indeed helps in avoiding sun burns and tanning.
These are the natural ways of preventing the skin from sun burn. However, apart from this it is also advisable to consume plenty of water for preventing the body from dehydration. Exposure of skin and body in sun leads to loss in sweat. As a result the body looses upon water level and gets affected with sun burn.