Hair & Beauty Magazine

Tip of the Day: Refresh Your Tired Feet

By Ladydevz @Ladydevzz
Is your feet crying for some soft pampering after a hard day of standing around?
Well, listen! Your feet is one of most sensitive areas in your body and requires constant attention.
Considering that many a time, you are judged by how well your feet looks, you cannot afford to ignore.
Here is a quick tip to freshen up and beautify the lil ones..

Tip of the Day: Refresh your tired feet


Check your kitchen for any or most of these herbs and vegetables:

Tip of the Day: Refresh your tired feet

 Ginger or Dry ginger powder
Tip of the Day: Refresh your tired feet
Basil Leaf or Tulsi
Tip of the Day: Refresh your tired feet
Mint- this is the best of the lot
Tip of the Day: Refresh your tired feet

Now add all the above ingredients and boil some water for at least 5-10mins. Mix it with cool water till you are okay with the warmth and add some salt and dip your footsies into the bucket.
Tip of the Day: Refresh your tired feet

Now relax over that cup of evening tea while your sore foot recovers and enjoys the warmth.
Note: All images are courtesy of Pixabay.comFollow me on Twitter @ladydevzz

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