Hair & Beauty Magazine

Tiny Tuesdays: Avene Cicalfate

By Twoplicates
Tiny Tuesdays: Avene CicalfateTiny Tuesdays: Avene Cicalfate
Avene Cicalfate is a restorative skin cream, that's made for "post-procedure or damaged skin".  While this may not be something that you need in your life at the moment, but it is something that's good to keep in your cabinet for when your skin needs that extra boost in healing.
The Pluses:
To keep things short and sweet, here's some of the benefits taken from skinstore:
  • Helps speed the skin recovery process
  • Provides a healthy skin environment to minimize a potential infection
  • Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, free from fragrances, preservatives and colorants
  • Hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic
There's been nothing but praises about this product, and I really do believe this makes a difference.  It helps soothe, calm, and speed up the restoration process of damaged skin.  Great to use if you've gotten a reaction to any skincare/makeup products.  To me, this is like a bandaid in a sense that it keeps all the unwanted external factors out to optimise the rate of skin recovery.  It can be used for cuts, scrapes, scratches, burns, cracked skin, stitches, diaper rash, post-treatment procedures and other forms of skin discomfort- so this is something that can be used on other areas of your body that may need healing, and suitable for people of all ages, of all skin types.  I would say the thickness of the cream is pretty similar to toothpaste (not lying), but the upside to that is it is extremely hydrating- I have read reviews from others saying they use this as an "overnight mask".  This contains the ever so famous Avene Thermal Spring Water to help soothe and soften the skin during the recovery process.  Price is super affordable as well: $14.99 RRP for 40mls!
Tiny Tuesdays: Avene CicalfateTiny Tuesdays: Avene Cicalfate
The Minuses: This is a heavy cream, so despite the instructions saying that you need to apply it twice daily for best results- this isn't something you'd wanna walk out with on your face.  If you're not careful, this can turn from very emollient to greasy.  I do have skin that's a little more on the dryer side, and trust me, this stuff doesn't sink in.  After application, there would be an initial white cast that will take some time to go clear (white cast is pretty obvious right?).  I personally apply this on the areas that need a little helping hand with healing before I go to bed, don't buy it if you're thinking this would help your pimple woes- it doesn't work on them.  It contains mineral oil, and hydrogenated vegetable oil amongst others, something to keep in mind if you have skin sensitivities to these ingredients.
The Overalls: A little goes a long way and the pluses heavily outweigh the minuses, so it's definitely something worth having at home when in need of speedy recovery of skin discomfort/irritations!  Highly recommended! I picked this up during the Priceline 40% off skincare sale (haul here), which ended up costing $8.99- Bargain if you ask me!
The Rating: 9/10 Tiny Tuesdays: Avene Cicalfate Disclaimer: Not affiliated with the links on this page.

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