Food & Drink Magazine

Tinsel Trees + TV Dinners

By Lilveggiepatch @Lilveggiepatch

Christmas came early to our house! (Apartment.) B and I are spending the holiday apart this year, so we celebrated early.

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We didn’t do a whole lot of decorating, but we have that little tinsel tree from urban Outfitters c. 2001. My mom loves that tree. Every year, she looks at me nodding, with eyes wide, asking when I’m going to put the tree up. This year, she took matters into her own hands and put that tree up herself. I’m glad she did; it’s cozy!


Other decorations: fuzzy animals and mirrored garlands from West Elm gifted by a friend at our housewarming party; glass jars filled with tiny ornaments.


Holiday cards + wine… because wine is always cause for celebration, right?

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Before B went home for the holidays, we took ourselves out to dinner at Ornella Trattoria. I was tempted to turn this post into a vehicle for a horrible restaurant review, but I won’t get myself all fired up about that (again). I will say, though, that we had a dining coupon that was not honored, met a manager/owner with no clue about what turns a first time customer into a repeat guest, and a story for my grandfather that would make him seethe. (He was a restauranteur and a hotelier, whose motto was “The customer is always right.”)


So we paid full price, and had a good time. Don’t worry, I didn’t punish the busboys by leaving a stingy tip… I’ve been in and out of the restaurant business for 7 years and know better! And I won, after all, because I got to have dinner with this guy!


While he’s away, I’m holding down the fort. It’s yoga pants 24/7 and lazy TV dinners eaten on the floor. It’s how I do.


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