Food & Drink Magazine

Time to Study.

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Look what I saw today!

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It’s one of those cars from Google maps that takes pictures of all the roads. I had never seen one. The camera on top is crazy.

I met up with a classmate to get some hard core study time in this afternoon. We were going to meet at Starbucks but my study partner had the BEST idea ever… Chili’s because happy hour started at 3pm.

While working on our study guides we ate chips and salsa and each drank a bottle of Dos Equis with lime.

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Yum-o. I’ve never studied and drank alcohol at the same time, so since this is my last final I though it was so fitting to study with a beer.

After the long drive home I was pretty hungry so I made my safety meal, aka minestrone soup with parm.




Snack was a whopping 150+280=430 calories and dinner was 80+80+110=270 calories

Of course I had to have two bowls of soup…Seconds Please!! 

Open-mouthed smile

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