Books Magazine

Time for a Change!

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books
Time for a Change!
Wait! Stop! No, you're not in the wrong place - I've just updated my look a little bit! Consider it my blog's version of a new summer 'do. I got so tired of my old header which, let's face it, was just a really bad quality photo of my recently-read shelf. But I'm no genius web designer, and I didn't really want to shell out the big bucks to pay someone to redo the whole thing. I finally put some time and effort into it, and came up with a slightly cleaner, slightly more mature look with some nice spring-like colours.
Not sure if I'll stick with this - I'm still playing around with some other ideas - so don't be shocked if you come back next week and it has changed yet again! Bear with me, I want to get it just right.
What do you guys think? Better? Or did you like the old header more? Let me know what you think!

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