The Associated Press reports that NBC has terminated its business relationships with Donald Trump due to offensive comments he made. But there’s “better” news – the Celebrity Apprentice may continue with a new host. Here are our three suggestions…
1. Everyone in the U.S. originally from Mexico. Seems fair to us.
2. Oscar the Grouch. Who wouldn’t want to see C-list celebrities trying to resurrect their careers addressing a puppet as “Mister Grouch?” Plus, he’s grouchy, which equals instant comedic gold on reality TV.
3. Amanda, the receptionist on the Celebrity Apprentice who writes stuff in a tiny day-planner because obviously Donald Trump doesn’t schedule appointments using an iPhone or computer. We think she’s spent enough time pretending to write in a book – time to move to the big show. (As long as she doesn’t endorse any Trump view. Only one way to tell – turn over those day-planners. We hope they’re full of doodling and notes that “This sucks.”)