Love is the connection of the human soul with God.
If the thought of a person never disappears from your mind you should know that he loves you. If you do not disappear from his mind, you both love each other.
If you want to love, do not be afraid. If you want to be loved, do not doubt it.
If you love somebody, do not talk with them about your love. The one that you love, should not know what feelings you have for him.
Love is the most important matter in life. Allow it to resolve all the remaining issues, whatever their character is - personal, social, family issues or universal matters.
When a person wants to obsess somebody with his feelings, he creates karma. When you set free the people around you, you set free of your karma, too.
You can not think of somebody if he does not think about you, too.
If you love a person too much, this causes him harm. Thinking only about him, you make him restless because you control his mind with your thoughts. To love someone means to wish him good and set him free. Love is not demanding. He, who demands love, has no love within him.
Physical love brings great changes. Who wants to try it should know that he will move from one state to another, from joy to sorrow and from sorrow to joy.
Divine love does wonders. Wherever it passes by, it creates and recreates. This love should be studied. But if you cannot apply the human love, which is the smallest sacrifice, how can you apply the Divine Love, which requires the greatest sacrifices?
Love is deaf to all the bad, offensive words. You can not grieve the heart of the loving person, neither his mind, nor his soul. All insults and afflictions he will accept with a smile. Love is an invincible force. He, who has love, is a strong man.
Love that cannot withstand the test of life, is not true love.
When light and love come from one source, there is no sin. But when the light and love come from various sources, there is sin.
Someone wants to show his love for someone but is afraid not to be hurt by lies. How can love be afraid of lies? The sun is shining thus spreading its light on all beings, although some of them are likely to commit crimes.
There is no sin in love. All the Love that lifts you up comes from God. The difference between the Divine and mundane love is that the Divine love complement the mundane one without having to change it.
Love excludes all the violence. It does wonders with people who do are open to it, who voluntarily seek it. If you force someone to do good, he will contradict you.Love is beyond time and space, it is not dependent on outside factors. Love comes from the contact a person has with God and is transmitted through an inner impulse.
People of love have joy, peace, and harmony, and they are accepted wherever they go. Everyone transforms when he feels loved.
Love full of fear is not true love. The Only Power in the world that knows no fear is Love!
For the sake of love people are willing to sacrifice themselves, the way they would never dare without love. Love is the eternal driving force of two souls.Our crime is that sometimes we try to enchain love. Love is never jealous, love gives you peace and light.