Welcome to my weekly post, where I sum-up what I’ve been up to in bookland the past week.
Ahhhhhhhh One month until Christmas…Yayyyy! I’m so putting my decorations up this week :)
Anyway, sorry I missed last week, but my friend was visiting from Germany and I just didn’t get round to it (or do much reading)! Here’s what I have been up to to though…

Now: Winter ~ Marissa Meyer
The Lunar Chronicles has definitely been one of my favorite series in the last few years, Winter (#4) is living up to my expectations so far….yessssss!
Then: The Winter Place ~ Alexander Yates // The Light that gets Lost ~ Natasha Carthew
I enjoyed both of these, but didn’t quite love them! I reviewed The Winter Place here, and the other will be up later today.
Next: ???
I’ll be getting festive with The Christmas we Met by Kate Lord Brown.
New on the Shelves
I didn’t buy or request any books this week!
I’m Waiting On…
(Linking up with Breaking the Spine)
The Crow Girl ~ Erik Axl Sund
This sounds mysterious, and A-mazing!

It starts with just one body – tortured, mummified and then discarded.
Its discovery reveals a nightmare world of hidden lives. Of lost identities, secret rituals and brutal exploitation, where nobody can be trusted.
This is the darkest, most complex case the police have ever seen.
This is the world of the Crow Girl.
Expected Publication: April 7th 2016 by Random House UK
So, that’s my week in books, now how about yours?
If you still do a similar WWW post (or just want to join in, leave your link/answers in the comments, OR why not tweet using #TWIB, and I’ll come and visit!