I cannot believe that this time last year I was laid sunbathing on Bondi beach. Is it any wonder I have been fighting cold for eleven days now, it’s freezing here in the UK?
How I long to be laid back on that beaching moaning about how hot it is.
The Australian summer is roasting but I much prefer that to this rain and wind.
Here I am worrying about how much the gas bill will be this month whereas last year I worrying about buying a large enough suitcase to pack 3 weeks of holiday clothes.
Thanks to cheap suitcases from Direct Luggage I was all sorted for a case. It was stressful deciding which items I needed to take and looking back, I didn’t wear half of them.
I was walking around in shorts and vest tops last December and this year’s here I am in the middle of the afternoon still wearing my fleece PJS because it’s too cold to go and get dressed.
How I envy my brother’s lifestyle.
He went off to university and did a sports degree which then saw him travel, he stayed in America for 12 months and then flew off to Switzerland for eighteen months.
It was when he moved out to Bondi, Australia four years ago, we decided to go and visit him.
The long haul flight was tiring, but we were prepared. I used Brics overnight luggage for short breaks for the twenty four hour flight. It meant I could change clothing and have a wash in between flights.
It made all the difference.
I hope to be able to visit him again soon. I went with my mother and aunt and left the husband in charge of the children at home. There was something surreal about talking to him on Skype while sat in shorts, and him clutching a steaming hot cup of coffee.
I can sure understand why my brother has no intentions of coming back home for Christmas.