Hmm September, what happened to you!?
It went very fast. I’m not sure if I did anything interesting…I finally gave in and bought one of those unlimited cinema cards so I spent a lot of time at the cinema. Crime Writer of the Year, Clare Mackintosh came into my library for a talk and a workshop session. She was great. But other than that I have no idea what happened in September. I had another good reading month so maybe that’s all I did?
How do the years keep flying by faster and faster. It’s scary! I’m very happy Autumn has arrived though. I love this time of year.
September 2016 Stats
Total Posts: 18 (+ 4 from previous month)
Books Read: 6 (=)
The Thousandth Floor ~ Katharine McGee
Labyrinth Lost ~ Zoraida Córdova
Siege and Storm ~ Leigh Bardugo
Stealing Snow ~ Danielle Page
Cut to the Bone ~ Alex Caan
Haunt Me ~ Liz Kessler
The Breakdown:
Genres: YA (5/6); Fantasy (4/6); Contemporary (1/6); Crime/Thriller (1/6)
Formats/Sources: Advance Copy (5/6); Digital (5/6); Hardback (0/6); Paperback (1/6) / Owned (0/6); Borrowed (1/6); For Review (5/6)
Most Surprising: Haunt Me
Most Disappointing: Stealing Snow
Most Exciting: Hmm Labyrinth Lost at a push
Most Swoon-worthy: Siege and Storm
Most Beautifully Written: Haunt Me
Reviews: 6 (=)
Most Viewed Posts
Promos, Guest Posts and Highlights
- This Month in Books: August
- Horror October: Open call for submissions
- Top Ten Tuesday: Autumn TBR List

TBR Shelf Update

Earlier this year I decided I HAD to do something about my TBR shelves. Each month I’ll be doing a quick update to see how I’ve done. See my original post here, and my updated TBR list here.
Previous TBR Count: 68
Books Added: 6
Books Read: 2
Remaining: 72
Heard about the Flash Fiction Battle I’m hosting? NO! Where have you been? It’s not too late to vote. See all the details here.