If science fiction has taught us anything, it’s that the cars of the future will be amazing. Sci-fi writers and filmmakers have always explored the future of cars. From the flying vehicles of Star Wars to the talking cars of Nightrider, the future has been already been predicted. The good news is that the real future of cars is even more exciting than the movies. There are no flying cars just yet, but self-driving cars are a close reality.
Technology will allow our cars to become safer, more intuitive and more efficient. Within five years, almost all new cars will come equipped with internet as standard. Our cars of the future will talk to each other and drive by themselves. Most importantly, they will have zero carbon impact. Driving has been one of the biggest causes of environmental change and global warming. In the future, our cars will run on entirely renewable energy.
Self driving cars that talk to each other
This technology is already in place in many vehicles. You’ll even find some on Autohouse right now. Unfortunately, the biggest thing holding back their development is government laws. Governments don’t yet consider self-driving cars to be road safe. In the future, however, cars will steer, brake and monitor the world around you. They will send signals between each other to warn of dangerous maneuvers. They will even send traffic updates to the cars around you so they can automatically reroute. Your car will sync to your smartphone and adjust automatically to cater for every situation.
Energy capture and storage
Electric and hybrid cars are a great step forward in the pursuit of green technology. Yet, we must remember that they still rely on electricity. At the end of every drive you still plug them into an electric socket to recharge. This electricity is still generated through the burning of coal and fossil fuels. In the future, truly green technology like solar power will take over. Although it is not yet powerful enough to be practical, it does exist in some concept cars. Ford are leading the way with a magnification system that can power small journeys with solar power. The biggest difficulty is storing the power. In the future, our doors and car bodywork will act as solar panels and storage. This will make them much more efficient.
Augmented reality dashboards
In the future, even touch screen technology will feel like old news. Augmented reality is the true future of screens and information. Augmented reality adds value to the real world around you. For instance, navigation advice will pop up in front of your eyes on the windscreen to direct you. It may point out local attractions or important information. It will help keep your eyes on the road.
The current technology in cars is already exciting. Some cars on the market already park themselves and auto correct your steering. The hybrids, electric cars and hydrogen fuel cells are huge developments. They all exist today. The future will take each of these aspects a step further into new territory. The future of motoring is a really exciting place.
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