Life Coach Magazine

Think – Ideas!

By Shawnaschuh
English: Thinking, bright idea.

English: Thinking, bright idea. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is the 24th week of 2012 – time is marching on so it’s a good time to pause and think and ask yourself, how am I doing? What can I alter or shift to be more, do more or have more – or another way to look at it – what can I shift to do less so I am more or can do more of what my deepest desire is?

The theme this week is ideas –

Questions are an excellent way to get ideas…

What can I shift?

I wonder what would happen if I…

What if…?

The early morning accountability call started out as an idea – and now – five years later – it is a growing, evolving group of amazing people – which brings me joy and helps everyone involved.

Blogs started out as an idea – yea!

Someone thinking – asking questions

Here’s a quote to think on:

George Gardner said this about ideas –

 “Thought is, perhaps, the forerunner and even the mother of ideas, and ideas are the most powerful and the most useful things in the world.”

Today my call to action for you is to think – which is something I promote daily – thinking –

Because you create your day by the way you think!

Make it magnificent!

Blessings, Shawna

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