- Contractions don't finish once you've given birth, I had them for the rest of the evening, they weren't painful but I could still feel the pressure of them.
- Whilst you're pushing, another midwife will give you the injection to help the placenta delivery, on your bum, without you even knowing. Ben took great pleasure in telling me she literally stabbed me with the needle..don't worry though, you won't even notice or realise!
- Before you receive the epidural you are given a tablet which acts like a three meal substitute so you don't get hungry.
- Once you've given birth you get toast and tea, ha.
- Breastfeeding can be VERY painful at first, this can mean bleeding, cracked nipples until you and baby both learn how to latch and until you find a comfortable position. It WILL improve, hang in there! I promise it gets easier!
- Post partum bleeding isn't always as bad as a lot of people tell you, mine was just like a normal period, it stopped at around 3-4 weeks, there were a few days inbetween where it stopped and then started again but it was no where near as bad as I expected.
- You will probably run off adrenaline and excitment after giving birth for the first week or so.
- Your baby will probably sleep most of the day for the first few weeks but might be up at night time a bit more.
- Your boobs don't instantly fill with milk, this happens about 3 days after you've given birth, but once you have delivered the placenta your boobs produce colostrum which feeds your baby till your milk comes in, it is very good for them :)
- Simple tasks such as walking will be weird after you've given birth, I remember it took me about 10 minutes to walk to the toilet! Ha.
- Once you start pushing with the contractions, you don't feel any pain until the head starts crowning!
- The first pee may sting a little!
- When your baby stirs, you will wake up, even if you are sound asleep! They probably only breathed a little louder but you will be on red alert!
:) x